College of Fine Arts, Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath celebrated the Independence Day on the 15th August 2023 . 

The celebrations were conducted in the presence of our Honourable Chief Guest Dr. Bhagyavana Mudigoudra, Special Officer, State Nodal Officer for AISHE at Higher Education Department, Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru, Honourable General Secretary Sri Shashidhar S N, Assistant Secretary Sri B L Srinivasa, Assistant Secretary Sri T Chandrashekhar, Executive Member Sri Subramanya Kukke, and Sri Satish Rao. The Students, the Teaching faculty and the Non Teaching staff saluted the National Flag and sung the National Anthem along with the Honourable Chief Guest and the Members from the Management.

It is a day to remember that our freedom comes with responsibilities. It is our duty as artists to use our creative voices to spread messages of unity, tolerance, and understanding. Whether it’s raising awareness about social issues, promoting environmental consciousness, or preserving our cultural heritage, we have the capacity to make a significant impact.

The College of Fine Arts encourages all students to embrace the spirit of innovation and fearlessness that defined our struggle for independence and to Let  their art be a testament to their dedication to a brighter future. To reflect the aspirations of a nation that stands strong, united, and free.

Happy Independence Day.

Jai Hind!

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